Baskoniako jokalarien bisita

Atzo, oso bisita atsegina izan genuen ikastolan; izan ere, Baskoniako Tornike Shengelia eta Ilimane Diop jokalariak gure ikastolara etorri ziren eta hauek elkarrizketatzeko aukera izan genuen. Kazetarien lana egin genuen, jokalariei euren bizitza eta lanari buruzko galderak ingelesez eginez.

Elkarrizketaren bukaeran, haiek izan ziren galderak egiteko arduradunak. Erantzuna asmatzen zuen ikasleak taldeko kamiseta bat irabazten zuen.

Plazer handia izan zen horrelako bisita gure ikastolan izatea. Etorkizunean onena opa diegu. Eskerrik asko.

Yesterday, we had a really nice visit to our school. Baskonia players Tornike Shengelia and Ilimane Diop came to our school so we got a chance to interview them. We pretended to be journalists and asked them a few questions in English about their lives and careers.

At the end of the interview, they asked a few questions to our pupils. Those students who got the answers right received a T-shirt of the team as a prize.

It was a pleasure to have them in our school, and we really appreciated their visit. We wish them all the best for the future. Thank you.

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